Philipp Timischl

Philipp Timischl
How to tastefully plagiarise myself, 2024
Installation views
Le Confort Moderne, Poitiers (FR)

Philipp TimischlHow to tastefully plagiarise myself, 2024Installation viewLe Confort Moderne, Poitiers (FR)

Philipp Timischl
How to tastefully plagiarise myself, 2024
Installation view
Le Confort Moderne, Poitiers (FR)

Philipp TimischlHow to tastefully plagiarise myself, 2024Installation viewLe Confort Moderne, Poitiers (FR)

Philipp Timischl
How to tastefully plagiarise myself, 2024
Installation view
Le Confort Moderne, Poitiers (FR)

Philipp TimischlHow to tastefully plagiarise myself, 2024Installation viewLe Confort Moderne, Poitiers (FR)

Philipp Timischl
How to tastefully plagiarise myself, 2024
Installation view
Le Confort Moderne, Poitiers (FR)

Philipp TimischlHow to tastefully plagiarise myself, 2024Installation viewLe Confort Moderne, Poitiers (FR)

Philipp Timischl
How to tastefully plagiarise myself, 2024
Installation view
Le Confort Moderne, Poitiers (FR)

Philipp TimischlHow to tastefully plagiarise myself, 2024Installation viewLe Confort Moderne, Poitiers (FR)

Philipp Timischl
How to tastefully plagiarise myself, 2024
Installation view
Le Confort Moderne, Poitiers (FR)

Philipp TimischlHow to tastefully plagiarise myself, 2024Installation viewLe Confort Moderne, Poitiers (FR)

Philipp Timischl
How to tastefully plagiarise myself, 2024
Installation view
Le Confort Moderne, Poitiers (FR)

Philipp TimischlEvelyn Plaschg & Philipp Timischl, Action Painting / Some brains can be funny, 2023Installation viewLayr, Vienna

Philipp Timischl
Evelyn Plaschg & Philipp Timischl, Action Painting / Some brains can be funny, 2023
Installation view
Layr, Vienna

Philipp TimischlEvelyn Plaschg & Philipp Timischl, Action Painting / Some brains can be funny, 2023Installation viewLayr, Vienna

Philipp Timischl
Evelyn Plaschg & Philipp Timischl, Action Painting / Some brains can be funny, 2023
Installation view
Layr, Vienna

Philipp TimischlEvelyn Plaschg & Philipp Timischl, Action Painting / Some brains can be funny, 2023Installation viewLayr, Vienna

Philipp Timischl
Evelyn Plaschg & Philipp Timischl, Action Painting / Some brains can be funny, 2023
Installation view
Layr, Vienna

Philipp TimischlBetween Pixel and Pigment. Hybrid Painting in post-digital Time, 2024Installation viewMuseum Marta Herford, Herford (DE)Photo by Phillip Ottendörfer

Philipp Timischl
Between Pixel and Pigment. Hybrid Painting in post-digital Time, 2024
Installation view
Museum Marta Herford, Herford (DE)
Photo by Phillip Ottendörfer

Philipp TimischlBetween Pixel and Pigment. Hybrid Painting in post-digital Time, 2024Installation viewKunsthalle Bielefeld, Bielefeld (DE)Photo by Phillip Ottendörfer

Philipp Timischl
Between Pixel and Pigment. Hybrid Painting in post-digital Time, 2024
Installation view
Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Bielefeld (DE)
Photo by Phillip Ottendörfer

Philipp TimischlDoomscroll, Feelings are Facts, 2023Installation ViewKunstverein Eisenstadt (AT)

Philipp Timischl
Doomscroll, Feelings are Facts, 2023
Installation View
Kunstverein Eisenstadt (AT)

Philipp TimischlI love my brain and thinking and always having thoughts, 2023Installation viewMGKWalls, Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen, Siegen (DE)

Philipp Timischl
I love my brain and thinking and always having thoughts, 2023
Installation view
MGKWalls, Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen, Siegen (DE)

Philipp TimischlI love my brain and thinking and always having thoughts, 2023Installation viewMGKWalls, Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen, Siegen (DE)

Philipp Timischl
I love my brain and thinking and always having thoughts, 2023
Installation view
MGKWalls, Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen, Siegen (DE)

Philipp TimischlI love my brain and thinking and always having thoughts, 2023Installation viewMGKWalls, Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen, Siegen (DE)

Philipp Timischl
I love my brain and thinking and always having thoughts, 2023
Installation view
MGKWalls, Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen, Siegen (DE)

Philipp Timischl
Born into a family of left wing intellectual atheists, 2023
Acrylic, oil and ink on canvas, LED panels, video, media player, hardware
170 × 200 cm
Installation view
Lundgren Gallery, Palma (SP)

Philipp TimischlPray more, worry less, 2023Installation viewLundgren Gallery, Palma (SP)

Philipp Timischl
Pray more, worry less, 2023
Installation view
Lundgren Gallery, Palma (SP)

Philipp TimischlPray more, worry less, 2023Installation viewLundgren Gallery, Palma (SP)

Philipp Timischl
Pray more, worry less, 2023
Installation view
Lundgren Gallery, Palma (SP)

Philipp Timischl
The embedded mentality of self-sufficiency, 2021
66 LED screen panels, 2 paintings (mixed media on canvas), metal mounting system, media player, video loop 900 × 300 × 100 cm

Philipp TimischlThe embedded mentality of self-sufficiency, 202166 LED screen panels, 2 paintings (mixed media on canvas), metal mounting system, media player, 10:00 min video loop900 x 300 x 100 cmArt Basel Unlimited, Basel, 2021

Philipp Timischl
The embedded mentality of self-sufficiency, 2021
66 LED screen panels, 2 paintings (mixed media on canvas), metal mounting system, media player, 10:00 min video loop
900 × 300 × 100 cm
Art Basel Unlimited, Basel, 2021

Philipp TimischlThe embedded mentality of self-sufficiency, 202166 LED screen panels, 2 paintings (mixed media on canvas), metal mounting system, media player, 10:00 min video loop900 x 300 x 100 cmArt Basel Unlimited, Basel, 2021

Philipp Timischl
The embedded mentality of self-sufficiency, 2021
66 LED screen panels, 2 paintings (mixed media on canvas), metal mounting system, media player, 10:00 min video loop
900 × 300 × 100 cm
Art Basel Unlimited, Basel, 2021

Philipp Timischl
Sharing, 2022
Mixed media on canvas above LED panel
200 × 150 cm

Philipp Timischl
I had a piece of my mind removed, 2022
Xerox prints, acrylic gel and ink on canvas above LED panel
200 × 150 cm

Philipp Timischl
What it feels like to be an artwork (Blue), 2022
Oil and acrylic on canvas, LED Panels, media player, Video
200 × 170 cm

Philipp Timischl
What it feels like to be an artwork (Green), 2022
Oil and acrylic on canvas, LED Panels, media player, Video
200 × 170 cm

Philipp TimischlIcon of perverted values, 2022Oil and acrylic on canvas, LED Panels, media player, Video170 x 200 cm

Philipp Timischl
Icon of perverted values, 2022
Oil and acrylic on canvas, LED Panels, media player, Video
170 × 200 cm

Philipp TimischlReality is the worst case scenarioInstallation viewHeidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg (DE)

Philipp Timischl
Reality is the worst case scenario
Installation view
Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg (DE)

Philipp TimischlKim and Kourtney FIGHT over Work Ethic, 2021Spraypaint on fake fur above LED Panels, Mediaplayer, Video 4’49’', 200 x 100 x 50 cmInstallation view, Philipp Timischl Reality is the worst case scenario, Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg (DE)

Philipp Timischl
Kim and Kourtney FIGHT over Work Ethic, 2021
Spraypaint on fake fur above LED Panels, Mediaplayer, Video 4’49’', 200 × 100 × 50 cm
Installation view, Philipp Timischl Reality is the worst case scenario, Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg (DE)

Philipp TimischlReality is the worst case scenarioInstallation viewHeidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg (DE)

Philipp Timischl
Reality is the worst case scenario
Installation view
Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg (DE)

Philipp Timischl
Connaisseur du conflit / Connoisseur of conflict, 2021
Installation view
LAYR Coburgbastei, Vienna

Philipp TimischlConnaisseur du conflit / Connoisseur of conflict, 2021Installation viewLAYR Coburgbastei, Vienna

Philipp Timischl
Connaisseur du conflit / Connoisseur of conflict, 2021
Installation view
LAYR Coburgbastei, Vienna

Philipp TimischlConnaisseur du conflit / Connoisseur of conflict, 2021Installation viewLAYR Coburgbastei, Vienna

Philipp Timischl
Connaisseur du conflit / Connoisseur of conflict, 2021
Installation view
LAYR Coburgbastei, Vienna

Philipp TimischlYung Eilish / Billie Lean, 2021Silkscreen, acrylic paint on canvas next to LED panels, mediaplayer, video 00:04:22150 x 150 x 50 cm

Philipp Timischl
Yung Eilish / Billie Lean, 2021
Silkscreen, acrylic paint on canvas next to LED panels, mediaplayer, video 00:04:22
150 × 150 × 50 cm

Philipp TimischlA man of importance, a man of affairs, 2021Silkscreen on canvas next to LED panels, mediaplayer, video 00:001:29150 x 100 x 50 cm

Philipp Timischl
A man of importance, a man of affairs, 2021
Silkscreen on canvas next to LED panels, mediaplayer, video 00:001:29
150 × 100 × 50 cm

Gina Folly & Philipp TimischlORCA - ORGANIC REDUNDANT CATASTROPHE AVERSION, 2021Installation viewFondation Fiminco, Paris

Gina Folly & Philipp Timischl
Installation view
Fondation Fiminco, Paris

Philipp TimischlHard workers (Gold & Gold), 202124k gold leaves, gold effect spray paint and acrylic paint on canvas, LED panels, metal truss, media player, video 00:03:30150 x 100 x 50 cm

Philipp Timischl
Hard workers (Gold & Gold), 2021
24k gold leaves, gold effect spray paint and acrylic paint on canvas, LED panels, metal truss, media player, video 00:03:30
150 × 100 × 50 cm

Philipp TimischlHard workers (Pink & Pink), 2021Mixed Media on fake fur, LED Panels, metal truss, media player, Video 3’39''150 x 100 x 50 cm

Philipp Timischl
Hard workers (Pink & Pink), 2021
Mixed Media on fake fur, LED Panels, metal truss, media player, Video 3’39''
150 × 100 × 50 cm

Philipp TimischlHard workers (Blue & Blue), 2021Incredibly Kleinish Blue on linen, LED panels, metal truss, media player, video 00:04:27150 x 100 x 50 cm

Philipp Timischl
Hard workers (Blue & Blue), 2021
Incredibly Kleinish Blue on linen, LED panels, metal truss, media player, video 00:04:27
150 × 100 × 50 cm

Philipp Timischl
100 Best Building Demolition Compilation, 2021
Mixed Media on canvas and silkscreen on canvas, LED Panels, metal truss, media player, Video 29’55’'
200 × 150 × 50 cm

Philipp TimischlAn abstract and a site-specific painting walk outside a museum, 2022Acrylic paint, canvas, LED Panels, metal truss, media player, Video 4’27''each sculpture: 200 x 200cm

Philipp Timischl
An abstract and a site-specific painting walk outside a museum, 2022
Acrylic paint, canvas, LED Panels, metal truss, media player, Video 4’27''
each sculpture: 200 × 200cm

Philipp TimischlThe most interesting person in the room, 2020Silkscreen and acrylic paint on canvas next to LED panels, media player, video 00:00:57150 x 100 x 50 cm

Philipp Timischl
The most interesting person in the room, 2020
Silkscreen and acrylic paint on canvas next to LED panels, media player, video 00:00:57
150 × 100 × 50 cm

Philipp TimischlDrip / Drop, 2020Acrylic paint on canvas next to led panels, media player, video 00:05:00150 x 100 x 50 cm

Philipp Timischl
Drip / Drop, 2020
Acrylic paint on canvas next to led panels, media player, video 00:05:00
150 × 100 × 50 cm

Philipp TimischlLetzte Lockerung, 2019Installation viewKunsthalle Bern, Bern

Philipp Timischl
Letzte Lockerung, 2019
Installation view
Kunsthalle Bern, Bern

Philipp TimischlDowntown Bern (Helvetiaplatz), 2019C-print, framed with custom passepartout40 x 30 cm

Philipp Timischl
Downtown Bern (Helvetiaplatz), 2019
C-print, framed with custom passepartout
40 × 30 cm

Philipp TimischlLetzte Lockerung, 2019Installation viewKunsthalle Bern, Bern

Philipp Timischl
Letzte Lockerung, 2019
Installation view
Kunsthalle Bern, Bern

Philipp TimischlArtworks for All Age Groups, 2019Installation viewSecession, Vienna

Philipp Timischl
Artworks for All Age Groups, 2019
Installation view
Secession, Vienna

Philipp TimischlArtworks for All Age Groups, 2018C-print, framed with custom passepartout40 x 30 cm

Philipp Timischl
Artworks for All Age Groups, 2018
C-print, framed with custom passepartout
40 × 30 cm

Philipp TimischlArtworks for All Age Groups, 2018C-print, framed with custom passepartout40 x 30 cm

Philipp Timischl
Artworks for All Age Groups, 2018
C-print, framed with custom passepartout
40 × 30 cm

Philipp TimischlArtworks for All Age Groups, 2018UV-direct print, acrylic paint on canvas and flatscreen with HD video 00:02:24159 x 105 x 5 cm

Philipp Timischl
Artworks for All Age Groups, 2018
UV-direct print, acrylic paint on canvas and flatscreen with HD video 00:02:24
159 × 105 × 5 cm

Philipp TimischlArtworks for All Age Groups, 2019Installation viewSecession, Vienna

Philipp Timischl
Artworks for All Age Groups, 2019
Installation view
Secession, Vienna

Philipp TimischlArtworks for All Age Groups, 2019Installation viewSecession, Vienna

Philipp Timischl
Artworks for All Age Groups, 2019
Installation view
Secession, Vienna

Philipp TimischlToo blessed to be stressed, too broke to be bothered., 2019Installation viewLayr, Rome

Philipp Timischl
Too blessed to be stressed, too broke to be bothered., 2019
Installation view
Layr, Rome

Philipp TimischlGOOD BOY (Seychelles, Ochre, Gold), 2019Velvet on wooden board, oil, glitter100 x 70 x 4 cm

Philipp Timischl
GOOD BOY (Seychelles, Ochre, Gold), 2019
Velvet on wooden board, oil, glitter
100 × 70 × 4 cm

Philipp TimischlGOOD BOY (Seychelles, Sienna, Silver), 2019Velvet on wooden board, oil, glitter100 x 80 x 5 cm

Philipp Timischl
GOOD BOY (Seychelles, Sienna, Silver), 2019
Velvet on wooden board, oil, glitter
100 × 80 × 5 cm

Philipp TimischlToo blessed to be stressed, too broke to be bothered., 2019Installation viewLayr, Rome

Philipp Timischl
Too blessed to be stressed, too broke to be bothered., 2019
Installation view
Layr, Rome

Philipp TimischlToo blessed to be stressed, too broke to be bothered. (ANGELINO HEIGHTS), 2019C-print, framed with custom passepartout40 x 30 cm

Philipp Timischl
Too blessed to be stressed, too broke to be bothered. (ANGELINO HEIGHTS), 2019
C-print, framed with custom passepartout
40 × 30 cm

Philipp TimischlToo blessed to be stressed, too broke to be bothered. (SILVERLAKE), 2019C-print, framed with custom passepartout40 x 30 cm

Philipp Timischl
Too blessed to be stressed, too broke to be bothered. (SILVERLAKE), 2019
C-print, framed with custom passepartout
40 × 30 cm

Philipp Timischl"Fool me once, Fool me twice. We pay top cash.", 2018Xerox print, metal chain, embossed dog tag, acrylicglass on linen, framed120 x 90 cm

Philipp Timischl
"Fool me once, Fool me twice. We pay top cash.", 2018
Xerox print, metal chain, embossed dog tag, acrylicglass on linen, framed
120 × 90 cm

Philipp Timischl"Your complaining is draining. Don’t be gentle with me.", 2018Xerox print, metal chain, embossed dog tag, acrylicglass on linen, framed120 x 90 cm

Philipp Timischl
"Your complaining is draining. Don’t be gentle with me.", 2018
Xerox print, metal chain, embossed dog tag, acrylicglass on linen, framed
120 × 90 cm

Philipp TimischlBuckle up buttercup. And pray for my money.”, 2018Xerox print, metal chain, embossed dog tag, acrylicglass on linen, framed120 x 90 cm

Philipp Timischl
Buckle up buttercup. And pray for my money.”, 2018
Xerox print, metal chain, embossed dog tag, acrylicglass on linen, framed
120 × 90 cm

Philipp Timischl"Hot style, sexy smile, nice ass, which class? (Hôtel de Ville)", 2018Fine art inkjet pigment print on Hahnemühle german etching paper, framed200 x 70 cm

Philipp Timischl
"Hot style, sexy smile, nice ass, which class? (Hôtel de Ville)", 2018
Fine art inkjet pigment print on Hahnemühle german etching paper, framed
200 × 70 cm

Philipp Timischl"Hot style, sexy smile, nice ass, which class? (Place Baudoyer)", 2018Fine art inkjet pigment print on Hahnemühle german etching paper, framed200 x 70 cm

Philipp Timischl
"Hot style, sexy smile, nice ass, which class? (Place Baudoyer)", 2018
Fine art inkjet pigment print on Hahnemühle german etching paper, framed
200 × 70 cm

Art Basel Hong Kong, 2018Installation viewHong Kong

Art Basel Hong Kong, 2018
Installation view
Hong Kong

Philipp TimischlHOSTILE HABITS DOMESTIC MONUMENTS, CLASS DRAG, 2017Installation viewLayr Seilerstaette, Vienna

Philipp Timischl
Installation view
Layr Seilerstaette, Vienna

Philipp TimischlHOSTILE HABITS DOMESTIC MONUMENTS, CLASS DRAG, 2017Installation viewLayr Seilerstaette, Vienna

Philipp Timischl
Installation view
Layr Seilerstaette, Vienna

Philipp TimischlHOSTILE HABITS DOMESTIC MONUMENTS, CLASS DRAG, 2017Installation viewLayr Seilerstaette, Vienna

Philipp Timischl
Installation view
Layr Seilerstaette, Vienna

Max Henry, (Review) Philipp Timischl at Emanuel Layr Vienna, in: Frieze (April 2017)



Philipp Timischl

March 29 – May 27, 2017

Philipp TimischlClass Drag, 2017Mixed media on canvas with engraved acrylic glass and frame203 x 283 cm

Philipp Timischl
Class Drag, 2017
Mixed media on canvas with engraved acrylic glass and frame
203 × 283 cm

Philipp TimischlUntitled, 2017Cardboard, fake fur, flatscreen, videoplaylist 00:11:47

Philipp Timischl
Untitled, 2017
Cardboard, fake fur, flatscreen, videoplaylist 00:11:47

Philipp TimischlProblems, 2016Installation viewHalle für Kunst Lüneburg, Lüneburg

Philipp Timischl
Problems, 2016
Installation view
Halle für Kunst Lüneburg, Lüneburg

Photo: Fred Dott, Hamburg

Philipp TimischlProblems, 2016Installation viewHalle für Kunst Lüneburg, Lüneburg

Philipp Timischl
Problems, 2016
Installation view
Halle für Kunst Lüneburg, Lüneburg

Philipp TimischlCapital P, Problems, 2016Acrylic on canvas190 x 125 cm

Philipp Timischl
Capital P, Problems, 2016
Acrylic on canvas
190 × 125 cm

Philipp TimischlProblems, 2016Installation viewHalle für Kunst Lüneburg, Lüneburg

Philipp Timischl
Problems, 2016
Installation view
Halle für Kunst Lüneburg, Lüneburg

Philipp TimischlProblems, 2016Installation viewHalle für Kunst Lüneburg, Lüneburg

Philipp Timischl
Problems, 2016
Installation view
Halle für Kunst Lüneburg, Lüneburg

Philipp Timischl2, 2016Installation viewVilma Gold, London

Philipp Timischl
2, 2016
Installation view
Vilma Gold, London

Philipp TimischlHigh 5 and Low 5 (recto), 2016Walnut frame, cement plinth, engraved metal label, UV-print on acrylic glass140 x 46 x 9 cm

Philipp Timischl
High 5 and Low 5 (recto), 2016
Walnut frame, cement plinth, engraved metal label, UV-print on acrylic glass
140 × 46 × 9 cm

Philipp TimischlHigh 5 and Low 5 (recto), 2016Walnut frame, cement plinth, engraved metal label, UV-print on acrylic glass140 x 46 x 9 cm

Philipp Timischl
High 5 and Low 5 (recto), 2016
Walnut frame, cement plinth, engraved metal label, UV-print on acrylic glass
140 × 46 × 9 cm

Hans Ulrich Obrist, Simon Castets, (Interview) Philipp Timischl, in: Kaleidoskope Magazine 23 (Winter 2015)

Philipp TimischlFar from Good, 2015UV-direct print, acrylic paint on canvas and flatscreen with HD video 00:02:24203 x 107 x 5 cm

Philipp Timischl
Far from Good, 2015
UV-direct print, acrylic paint on canvas and flatscreen with HD video 00:02:24
203 × 107 × 5 cm

Philipp Timischlgood from afar/far from good, 2015Installation viewMartos Gallery, Los Angeles

Philipp Timischl
good from afar/far from good, 2015
Installation view
Martos Gallery, Los Angeles

Philipp Timischldo you believe in horoscopes? What role does chance play?, 2015UV-Direct Print, acrylic paint and epoxy resin on canvas with engraved acrylic glass and custom-made frame90 x 130 cm

Philipp Timischl
do you believe in horoscopes? What role does chance play?, 2015
UV-Direct Print, acrylic paint and epoxy resin on canvas with engraved acrylic glass and custom-made frame
90 × 130 cm

Philipp Timischl"They were treating me like an object. As if I were some sextoy or shit. I don't wanna see them again.", 2014/15Installation viewKM-Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst und Medien, Graz

Philipp Timischl
"They were treating me like an object. As if I were some sextoy or shit. I don't wanna see them again.", 2014/15
Installation view
KM-Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst und Medien, Graz

Philipp Timischl"They were treating me like an object. As if I were some sextoy or shit. I don't wanna see them again.", 2014/15Installation viewKM-Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst und Medien, Graz

Philipp Timischl
"They were treating me like an object. As if I were some sextoy or shit. I don't wanna see them again.", 2014/15
Installation view
KM-Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst und Medien, Graz

Philipp Timischl"They were treating me like an object. As if I were some sextoy or shit. I don't wanna see them again.", 2014/15Installation viewKM-Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst und Medien, Graz

Philipp Timischl
"They were treating me like an object. As if I were some sextoy or shit. I don't wanna see them again.", 2014/15
Installation view
KM-Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst und Medien, Graz

Philipp TimischlYet, The Alternatives On Offer, 2014Installation viewLayr An der Hülben, Vienna

Philipp Timischl
Yet, The Alternatives On Offer, 2014
Installation view
Layr An der Hülben, Vienna

Philipp TimischlYet, The Alternatives On Offer, 2014Installation viewLayr An der Hülben, Vienna

Philipp Timischl
Yet, The Alternatives On Offer, 2014
Installation view
Layr An der Hülben, Vienna

Philipp TimischlYet, The Alternatives On Offer, 2014UV-direct print on epoxy resin on canvas above flatscreen, video loop 00:02:00159 x 105 x 5 cm

Philipp Timischl
Yet, The Alternatives On Offer, 2014
UV-direct print on epoxy resin on canvas above flatscreen, video loop 00:02:00
159 × 105 × 5 cm

Philipp TimischlPatchy at best (D/E), 2014UV-direct print on epoxy resin on canvas above flatscreen, two videos, each 00:05:16159 x 105 x 5 cm

Philipp Timischl
Patchy at best (D/E), 2014
UV-direct print on epoxy resin on canvas above flatscreen, two videos, each 00:05:16
159 × 105 × 5 cm

Philipp TimischlYet, The Alternatives On Offer, 2014UV-direct print on epoxy resin on canvas above flatscreen, video 00:02:00159 x 105 x 5 cm

Philipp Timischl
Yet, The Alternatives On Offer, 2014
UV-direct print on epoxy resin on canvas above flatscreen, video 00:02:00
159 × 105 × 5 cm

Philipp TimischlThe Blair Bitch Project, 2013/15Installation viewPerfect Present, Copenhagen

Philipp Timischl
The Blair Bitch Project, 2013/15
Installation view
Perfect Present, Copenhagen

Philipp Timischl"Philipp, I have the feeling I'm incredibly good looking, but have nothing to say", 2013Installation view21er Raum at 21er Haus, Vienna

Philipp Timischl
"Philipp, I have the feeling I'm incredibly good looking, but have nothing to say", 2013
Installation view
21er Raum at 21er Haus, Vienna

Philipp Timischl"Philipp, I have the feeling I'm incredibly good looking, but have nothing to say", 2013Installation view21er Raum at 21er Haus, Vienna

Philipp Timischl
"Philipp, I have the feeling I'm incredibly good looking, but have nothing to say", 2013
Installation view
21er Raum at 21er Haus, Vienna

Philipp Timischl"Philipp, I have the feeling I'm incredibly good looking, but have nothing to say", 2013Installation view21er Raum at 21er Haus, Vienna

Philipp Timischl
"Philipp, I have the feeling I'm incredibly good looking, but have nothing to say", 2013
Installation view
21er Raum at 21er Haus, Vienna

Portrait of the artist in Paris

Portrait of the artist in Paris

Philipp Timischl

*1989 Graz, Austria
lives and works in Paris


  • 2007-12

    Akademie der bildenden Künste, Vienna (AT)

  • 2010-11

    Städelschule, Frankfurt (DE)

Solo Exhibitions

  • 2025

    Molded, Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade, MoCAB, Belgrade (SRB) (upcoming)

  • 2024

    I’m just gonna change real quick, High Art, Paris (FR)
    Comment me plagier avec goût (How to tastefully plagiarise myself), curated by Pierre-Alexandre Mateos & Charles Teyssou, Le Confort Moderne, Poitiers (FR)

  • 2023

    Pray more, worry less, Lundgren Gallery, Palma (SP)
    I like my brain and thinking and always having thoughts, MGKWalls, Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen, Siegen (DE)
    Action Painting / Some brains can be funny, Evelyn Plaschg & Philipp Timischl (Duo), Layr, Vienna (AT)

  • 2022

    Reality is the worst case scenario, Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg (DE)

  • 2021

    Connaisseur du conflit / Connoisseur of conflict, LAYR, Vienna (AT)
    Public Sculpture, MQ, Vienna (AT)

  • 2020

    “A table for 50“ (w. Gina Folly) - PCP Gallery, Paris
    “:O :P :(“ - Gabi+, Vienna

  • 2019

    Too blessed to be stressed, too broke to be bothered., Galerie Emanuel Layr, Rome (IT)

  • 2018

    Artworks For All Age Groups, Secession, Vienna (AT)
    My masters, my gods, Gallery Neue Alte Brücke, Frankfurt (DE)
    Artbasel Hongkong, Discoveries, with Galerie Emanuel Layr, Hongkong (HK)

  • 2017

    Hostile Habits Domestic Monuments, Class Drag, Galerie Emanuel Layr, Vienna (AT)

  • 2016

    Problems, Halle für Kunst, Lüneburg (DE)
    2, Vilma Gold, London (UK)

  • 2015

    Good from afar/ Far from good, Martos Gallery, Los Angeles (US)
    Meditation United, with Sarah Ortmeyer,, London (UK)
    Independent New York, Neue Alte Bruecke, New York (US)

  • 2014

    They were treating me like an object..., KM-K Künstlerhaus, Graz (AT)
    Frieze Art Fair London, Focus Section, w. Lisa Holzer, Galerie Emanuel Layr, London (UK)
    LISTE, Basel, Neue Alte Brücke, Basel (CH)
    Yet, The Alternatives on Offer, Galerie Emanuel Layr, Vienna (AT)
    Two Parks (w. Anne Speier), Vilma Gold Gallery, London (UK)

  • 2013

    12346, not 5, Neue Alte Brücke, Frankfurt (DE)
    Philipp, I have..., 21er Haus, Vienna (AT)
    These Days (w. Min Yoon), Studio Lenikus, Vienna (AT)
    The Blair Bitch Project, Perfect Present, Copenhagen (DK)

  • 2012

    Full Motion, Zeigeraum, Vienna (AT)

  • 2011

    It‘s so slippery, really slippery, Fondation Herz, Vienna (AT)
    Nice videowall my friend, evening @ L‘otion Licker, Vienna (AT)

Selected Group Exhibitions

  • 2025

    Content Industrial Complex, 032c Gallery, Berlin (DE)
    Don't take it too seriously, Temnikova & Kasela, Tallinn (EST)

  • 2024

    Cruella De-vil curated by Noam Alon, Sultana Summer Set, Arles (FR)
    DIGITAL IV – Koexistenz, Fotogalerie Wien, Vienna (AT)
    Unknown Familiars, The Vienna Insurance Group Collections, Leopold Museum, Vienna (AT)
    Between Pixel and Pigment. Hybrid Painting in Postdigital Times, Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Bielefeld & Museum Marta Herford, Herford (DE)
    The View curated by Nicolaus Schafhausen, Servais Family Collection, The Loft, Brussels (BE)
    Psychic Topographies curated by Andrew Hodgson & Sini Rinne-Kanto, Profil, Paris (FR)
    Old Friend, Bonny Poon / Conditions, Toronto (CAD)
    On The Blink, At Sentiment at Studiolo, Paris (FR)
    Jahresgaben 2024, Kunstverein in Hamburg, Hamburg (DE)
    Little Tree, Ginny on Frederick, London (UK)

  • 2023

    Care Package, Blue Velvet Projects, Zürich (CH)
    Molinier rose saumon (nous sommes tous des menteurs), Frac Nouvelle-Aquitaine MÉCA, Bordeaux (FR)
    twenty four curated by Raphael Oberhuber, Gabriele Senn Galerie, Vienna (AT)
    NGV Triennial 2023, Melbourne (AUS)

  • 2022

    New Space Show, Layr, Vienna (AT)
    LOOK, Heidi Horten Collection, Vienna (AT)
    Manifesto of Fragility, Lyon Biennale of Contemporary Art, Lyon (FR)
    Something is Burning, Kunsthalle Bratislava, Bratislava (SK)
    OPEN, Heidi Horten Collection, Vienna (AT)
    Schindler House Los Angeles, Space as a Medium of Art, MAK, Vienna (AT)

  • 2021

    Myco TV (online screening), Cinema 3, ICA, London (UK)
    Avant-Garde and the Contemporary: The Belvedere Collection from Lassnig to Knebl, Belvedere21, Vienna (AT)
    ORCA - Organic Redundant Catastrophe Aversion (Duo Show), Fondation Fiminco, Paris (FR)
    Freedom of Sleep, Fondation Fiminco, Paris (FR)

  • 2020

    Stay brief, and leave (with Gina Folly), Fondation d‘enterprise Pernod Ricard, Paris (FR)
    Fuck You Be Nice, Air de Paris, Paris (FR)
    Friends and Neighbours, High Art, Paris (FR)
    Paranoia strikes deep, Osnova Gallery, Moscow (RUS)
    Molly House, Exile, Vienna (AT)
    The Digital Effect, Neuer Kunstverein Wien, Vienna (AT)
    Diaries: Era of good feelings (online), 47Canal, New York City (US)

  • 2019

    Letzte Lockerung, Kunsthalle Bern (CH)
    In-visible Realness: 50 Jahre nach Stonewall, PS120, Berlin (DE)
    Fauxthenticity, Austrian Cultural Forum Prague (CZ)
    Artists use Photography, Praz Delavallade, Los Angeles (US)
    Display, Dortmunder Kunstverein (DE)
    Queer Art Space Vienna, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna (AT)
    Über das Neue. Junge Szenen in Wien, Belvedere 21, Vienna (AT)
    Cruising Pavilion, New York, Ludlow 38, New York (US)
    The Santee Alley, MAK Center, Los Angeles (US)

  • 2018

    Der Wert der Freiheit, Belvedere 21, Vienna (AT)
    (In)Constancy of Space III, Galerija Prsten, Zagreb & MLU, Osijek (CR)
    Carved and Shaped by Proximity, Pina, Vienna (AT)
    Ahhh, real monsters, Clages Gallery, Cologne (DE)
    Sundogs Sunglasses, Sundogs, Paris (FR)

  • 2017

    The Locker Room Show, Plymouth Rock, Zurich (CH)
    Wholesome Environment, Lundgren Gallery, Palma (ES)
    “moi non-moi” or “carrying owls to athens”, Büro Weltausstellung, Wiener Art Foundation, Vienna (AT)
    When it hasn‘t been your day, your week, your month or even your year, Weekends, Paris (FR)
    How far to open up?, Forum Stadtpark, Graz (AT)
    Cinéma!, Samuel le Paire, Paris (FR)

  • 2016

    Don‘t say I didn‘t say it, Spike Place, Berlin (DE)
    You never actually own anything, Galerie Lucas Hirsch, Düsseldorf (DE)
    Reconstructive Memory, Gallery Valentin, Paris (FR)
    Belong Anywhere, Garret Grimoire, Vienne (AT)
    Overseas BF, Glovebox, Auckland (NZ)
    Qidian, Zendai Zhujiajiao Art Museum, Shanghai (C)
    Humble Habits Domestic Monuments 2, HHDM, New York (US)
    FIAC, Paris, with Galerie Emanuel Layr, Vienna (AT)
    Secret Surface, Kunst-Werke Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin (DE)

  • 2015

    Barriera, Turin (IT)
    Filter Bubble, Luma Foundation, Zürich (CH)
    20 Jahre Halle für Kunst, Halle für Kunst Lüneburg, Lüneburg (DE)
    Welcome, You‘re in the Right Place, organised by AIRBNB Pavilion, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin (IT)
    After Babel, Moderne Museet, Stockholm (SE)
    Mon horizontalité, untilthen, Paris (FR)
    A modest proposal for radical bourgeoisie, De Hallen Haarlem, Haarlem (NL)
    A Form is a social Gatherer, Plymouth Rock, Zurich (CH)
    Destination Wien, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna (AT)
    The Future of Memory, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna (AT)

  • 2014

    The History of Technology, Jessica Silverman Gallery, San Francisco (US)
    Screen Play, SWG3 Gallery, Glasgow (UK)
    Über das radikale Nebeneinander, Halle für Kunst, Lüneburg (DE)

  • 2013

    Serpentine 89+ Marathon, Serpentine Gallery, London (UK)
    Draft for a particular vision of the future, Babette‘s, Berlin (DE)
    HelloGoodbye, Annual Exhibition Collection Lenikus, Vienna (AT)
    No Brow, Galerie Emanuel Layr, Vienna (AT)
    Über unheimliche Zustände und Körper, Lakeside Kunstraum, Klagenfurt (AT)
    Grundfrage, (Graphic Contribution), CRAC Alsace (FR)

  • 2012

    neinteenneinteennein, ONO Gallery, Oslo (NO)
    Der Würfel / Le dé, COCO, Vienna (AT)

  • 2011

    Modeling Agency, 68 squaremeters, Copenhagen (DK)
    Boys in town - The Berlin Project, Galerie fiebach minninger, Berlin (DE)
    BYOB, Magazin, Vienna (AT)

  • 2010

    Fomo, Farbenfabrik, Frankfurt (DE)
    Pro Choice @ Schattendorf, curated by Will Benedict & Lucie Stahl, Kunstraum Schattendorf, Burgenland (AT)
    Fuzzy Sets, after the butcher, Berlin (DE)
    Gruppenausstellung mit H. Phettberg, Schaukästen Praterstern, Vienna (AT)

  • 2009

    Welches Leben?, curated by Sabine Breitwieser Semperdepot, Vienna (AT)
    … und der Fiaker räumt die Scheiße nachher weg., Flat1, Vienna (AT)
    Viennafair09, ve.sch, Messe, Vienna (AT)


  • Founder of HHDM - Hinter Haus des Meeres (AT) | Project Space run by Daphne Ahlers, Philipp Timischl and Roland X. Roland 2012


  • 2020

    Fondation Fiminco, Paris (FR)

  • 2018

    MAK Centre, Los Angeles (USA)

  • 2016

    Auslandsatelierstipendium Paris (FR)

  • 2014

    Google plus Residency, Paris (FR)

  • 2012

    Förderprogramm der Sammlung Lenikus (AT)


  • ‚Ronny Raccoon - He fought society but society won‘, Le Confort Moderne, 2024
    ‚yes i'm an academic how could you tell‘, supported by Bundeskanzleramt, 2023
    ‚Artworks for all Age Groups‘, Didier Eribon and Paul Clinton, Revolver Publishing, Secession 2018, Vienna
    ‚Problems‘ Helle für Kunst Lüneburg, self-published, 2016
    ‚They were treating me like an object. As if I were some sextoy or shit. I don‘t wanna see them again.‘, saxpublishers, Vienna, 2015
    ‚These Days‘, Studio Lenikus, Vienna (with Min Yoon), 2013


  • Novembre Magazine, Interview with Mark Pieterson, May 2019
    Contemporary Art Magazine, This is tomorrow, January 2019
    PW Magazine, Philipp Timischl: »Jeder kommt mit bestimmten Markern auf die Welt«, Interview by Pia-Marie Remmers, December 2018
    Frieze, Max Henry, Review, 19 April 2017
    CURA, Philipp Timischl with Pierre-Alexandre Mateos and Charles Teyssou, 2016
    Spike Magazine, The Body, Phil Up, Spring 2016
    Mimi Magazine, Editorial, May 2016
    Petunia #7, Photospread Phil Up, June 2016
    Spike Online, In the studio of Philipp Timischl, May 2015
    Kaleidoscope, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Simon Castets, Intrview, Winter 2014/15
    Numéro Magazine, Nicolas Temblay, Artiste du mois, December 2014
    Frieze, Jonathan Griffin, The history of technology, October 2014
    Arts Magazine, Francois Quintin, Philipp Timischl, October 2014
    Code Magazine, Alexis Jakubowicz, €œFace-sur-Face, Autumn 2014
    Frieze D/E, Dominikus Müller, €œGanz einfach/It‘s complicated, September 2014
    Flash Art, Aaron Bogart, Brandnew, March/April 2014
    Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Christoph Schütte, 12346,not 5, 1.11.2013

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