
Jay Chung & Q Takeki Maeda, Hotel Charleroi, Pro Choice, Bernadette Corporation, Karl Holmqvist, Axel Huber, Anne Imhof, Sarah Lehrer-Graiwer, Niklas Lichti, Mathieu Malouf, Moctezuma, Single Moms, Georg Petermichl, Alejandra Riera, Ferdinand Schmatz, Josef Strau, Ramaya Tegegne, Tanja Widmann, Stephen Willats, Heimo Zobernig, M/L Lena Henke und Marie Karlberg

Curated by Festival / curated by Catherine Chevalier and Benjamin Hirte

September 11 – October 17, 2015

Heimo ZobernigVideoedition für Texte zur Kunst, 1991Video00:30:00

Heimo Zobernig
Videoedition für Texte zur Kunst, 1991

Heimo ZobernigVideoedition für Texte zur Kunst, 1991Video00:30:00

Heimo Zobernig
Videoedition für Texte zur Kunst, 1991

Curated by, 2015Installation viewLayr Seilerstaette, Vienna

Curated by, 2015
Installation view
Layr Seilerstaette, Vienna

Ramaya TegegneVon Bonins/Würthles, 2015Mixed media185 x 103 x 13 cm

Ramaya Tegegne
Von Bonins/Würthles, 2015
Mixed media
185 × 103 × 13 cm

Curated by, 2015Installation viewLayr Seilerstaette, Vienna

Curated by, 2015
Installation view
Layr Seilerstaette, Vienna

Curated by, 2015Installation viewLayr Seilerstaette, Vienna

Curated by, 2015
Installation view
Layr Seilerstaette, Vienna

Jay Chung and Q Takeki MaedaUntitled, 2011Mixed mediaDimensions variable

Jay Chung and Q Takeki Maeda
Untitled, 2011
Mixed media
Dimensions variable

Axel HuberQuartier latin, 1999Josef StrauThe New Work 1, The Application, 2014Ramaya TegegneBzzz, Bzzz, Bzzz, 2014

Axel Huber
Quartier latin, 1999

Josef Strau
The New Work 1, The Application, 2014

Ramaya Tegegne
Bzzz, Bzzz, Bzzz, 2014

Hotel CharleroiAnnexe, 2013Alejandra RieraEnquête sur/le notre dehors, 2012

Hotel Charleroi
Annexe, 2013

Alejandra Riera
Enquête sur/le notre dehors, 2012

Anne ImhofDrawings for the SOTSB, 2013

Anne Imhof
Drawings for the SOTSB, 2013

Bernadette CorporationThe Complete Poem, 2011Ferdinand Schmatz/Heimo ZobernigLexikon der Kunst, 1992Sarah Lehrer-GraiwerJoint Dialogue Book, 2010Karl HolmquistOffset print, 1972-2014Niklas LichtiHart to Hart, 2015

Bernadette Corporation
The Complete Poem, 2011

Ferdinand Schmatz/Heimo Zobernig
Lexikon der Kunst, 1992

Sarah Lehrer-Graiwer
Joint Dialogue Book, 2010

Karl Holmquist
Offset print, 1972-2014

Niklas Lichti
Hart to Hart, 2015

Curated by, 2015Installation viewLayr Seilerstaette, Vienna

Curated by, 2015
Installation view
Layr Seilerstaette, Vienna

Georg PetermichlReader, 2015Stephen WillatsBerlin Local at MD72, 2014Video00:00:12Stephen WillatsAttracting the Attractor Bergmannstr., 2014Video00:04:06

Georg Petermichl
Reader, 2015

Stephen Willats
Berlin Local at MD72, 2014

Stephen Willats
Attracting the Attractor Bergmannstr., 2014

Georg PetermichlReader, 2015Detail view

Georg Petermichl
Reader, 2015
Detail view

Georg PetermichlReader, 2015Stephen WillatsBerlin Local at MD72, 2014Video00:00:12Stephen WillatsAttracting the Attractor Bergmannstr., 2014Video00:04:06

Georg Petermichl
Reader, 2015

Stephen Willats
Berlin Local at MD72, 2014

Stephen Willats
Attracting the Attractor Bergmannstr., 2014

Curated by, 2015Installation viewLayr Seilerstaette, Vienna

Curated by, 2015
Installation view
Layr Seilerstaette, Vienna

Curated by, 2015Installation viewLayr Seilerstaette, Vienna

Curated by, 2015
Installation view
Layr Seilerstaette, Vienna

Stephan Willats in discussion with Catherine Chevalies at MD72Video00:21:00

Stephan Willats in discussion with Catherine Chevalies at MD72

Curated by, 2015Installation viewLayr Seilerstaette, Vienna

Curated by, 2015
Installation view
Layr Seilerstaette, Vienna

Niklas LichtiExcerpt from Lust & Learning, 2014Fabric and plasterDimensions variable

Niklas Lichti
Excerpt from Lust & Learning, 2014
Fabric and plaster
Dimensions variable

Niklas LichtiExcerpt from Lust & Learning, 2014Fabric and plasterDimensions variable

Niklas Lichti
Excerpt from Lust & Learning, 2014
Fabric and plaster
Dimensions variable

Axel HuberQuartier Latin Edition, 2000Serigraphy, photography

Axel Huber
Quartier Latin Edition, 2000
Serigraphy, photography

(left)Moctezuma and Single MomsJewelryDimensions variable(right)Mathieu MaloufLars Friedrich, 2015Full color sandstone 3D print

Moctezuma and Single Moms
Dimensions variable

Mathieu Malouf
Lars Friedrich, 2015
Full color sandstone 3D print

(left)Moctezuma and Single MomsJewelry, silk scarfsDimensions variable(right)Tanja WidmannEine von Euch (Willy Nilly Remix), 2012-15Ipad draft for upcoming publication

Moctezuma and Single Moms
Jewelry, silk scarfs
Dimensions variable

Tanja Widmann
Eine von Euch (Willy Nilly Remix), 2012-15
Ipad draft for upcoming publication

Moctezuma & Single MomsJewelryDimensions variableDetail view

Moctezuma & Single Moms
Dimensions variable
Detail view

Ramaya Tegegne & Leo Wadimoff“Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz”Opening lecture

Ramaya Tegegne & Leo Wadimoff
“Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz”
Opening lecture

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